Digital Citizenship

dig·i·tal cit·i·zen·ship

/ˈdijidl ˈsidizənˌSHip, ˈdijidl ˈsidisənˌSHip/


"the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities."

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Nowadays in our schools, it has become mandatory to complete a module on digital citizenship. However, outside of our academic lives, we can't forget the etiquette we've learned. When online, as social members, we need to treate everyone with respect and kindness. Today, there are 4.8 billion internet users around the world. China, India, and the United States are among those with the highest number of users. You will definitely encounter trolls, aggressive users, or even kind individuals during your time on the web. However, how you respond to comments or messages shapes your digital citizenship.

According to Applied Educational systems, digital citizenship can be defined as "the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society at any level." Like your digital footprint, there are two different sides to digital citizenship: the good and the bad.

Good digital citizenship includes empathizing with others, spreading kind words, and connecting with others to create lasting and meaningful relationships. On the other hand, bad digital citizenship includes spareading malicious comments or information, cyberbullying, or not being responsible on social media.

Digital citizenship includes digital literacy and it's something that we need to be proficient in to be better protected online. To be digitally literate means to know that clickbait exists, be aware of fake news as it's very prevalent nowadays, when to empathize, and a digital divide existing.

To have digital citizenship, it means to be an active and well-informed citizen in an ever-changing technologyical world. For the coming future, do your part and work towards developing your digital citizenship.


Source: Common Sense Education YouTube

Source: Common Sense Media Ratings & Reviews YouTube

Source: Sherry Luna YouTube

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